My main interest is in music and arts. In this case, david and tension have my biggest attention.. (duh) but i do enjoy other forms of music, like rock bands, jazz, n classicals. I did mention before i hav strong personality contrast, didn't i? As for arts, it's my life. I love sketching, drawing, and painting. I want it to be my career as well as hobby. Though my parents disagree at first, stating their fears for arts as an unstable job line, somehow they let me pick my choice, n i'm thankful for tht.. Well, for some lighter issues, i love japanese culture! The ppl, place, history n their language..Not to forget- their food! Hehe, though i only know 'sukoshi' (a little) japanese. Still learning.. Well tht's a 'little' bout me.. Wat bout u ppl?
-- Edited by dracolshian at 00:11, 2004-09-21
"To DT or not to DT, that is the question..." To DT---to sink into the world of DT, nothing but David and Tension...And to spread love and peace by spreading DT's music!
So glad that yr parents let u pick yr choice dracolshian, hope its all work out 4 u, do u like Utada Hikaru? She released an english album this yr & alredi sold millions in Japan.
quote: Originally posted by: zhaodi "So glad that yr parents let u pick yr choice dracolshian, hope its all work out 4 u, do u like Utada Hikaru? She released an english album this yr & alredi sold millions in Japan."
thanks.. Yup, i'm grateful for the support they gave and yup again, i hope it'll work out well too.. Utada? I like some of her songs n she has a nice voice.. Though i listen more to the gospellers n ken hirai :) anyway i'll look out for tht album u mentioned. Wat's the title?
"To DT or not to DT, that is the question..." To DT---to sink into the world of DT, nothing but David and Tension...And to spread love and peace by spreading DT's music!
Hi dracolshian! You must have known me by now. i'm the same shanghaied from DTFC English. wow, is dat true you have the most main interest in music and art? dat's very nice! i love music and arts too. too bad my school don't offer both subjects at the same time. so i can only choose either one, which is arts. music will always be my another eternal passion.
and i've read that you like japanese stuffs, too? dat's awesome! i'm into japanese stuffs, too. not to mention, i'm a(n) Utada fan! a hardcore one! but David and Tension will always be my favorite!i'm a gigantic, obsessed and fanatic fan of David and Tension!
hey, maybe you could teach me some japanese language bkoz i also know 'sukoshi' of the japanese language and still learning. and if you want to become Utada fan, dun forget tell me!
Yeah, hi shanghaied! I know u. I'm one of DTFC's forum member too, though I hang around here more often. Glad to know someone who shares the same passion as I do. I luv arts and I'm going into the ad and graphic design line. Arts and music are the best things tht had happened to me, besides my family and friends, that is..hehe =) And yup, I'm very into Japanese since a few years ago...that was when i was very influenced by d japs dramas aired on tv... My cousin is currently taking an engineering scholarship to Japan, so she's currently somewhat my 'tutor', now that she's learning in japs too. I'm slowly picking up my japs now tht I hav finish my exams...and sure, no prob...i'll be very glad to share wif u knowledge on japs...even on sushi-making hehe... Anyway, we could contact each other thru email...=) mine is easy: Hope to keep in touch...
"To DT or not to DT, that is the question..." To DT---to sink into the world of DT, nothing but David and Tension...And to spread love and peace by spreading DT's music!