I'm really bored out here..Just trying to find out ur opinions...I've noticed pink is quite the fashion trend now, even for guys...and i saw David wore pink quite a couple of times...He looks good in pink, don't he? Well, that's what i think...i mean, he'll go nice in any colour...But to imagine my father wearing pink is really----nightmare... hehe
"To DT or not to DT, that is the question..." To DT---to sink into the world of DT, nothing but David and Tension...And to spread love and peace by spreading DT's music!
U guys haf great imagination heehee but yeah I think David looks good in pink too, & he vry daring, most guys just wear pastel pink but David went 4 shocking pink & looks great
I don't think his favourite is pink but yeah, i agree. He looks younger.. :p and so.. good looking.. ^^
"To DT or not to DT, that is the question..." To DT---to sink into the world of DT, nothing but David and Tension...And to spread love and peace by spreading DT's music!
mm....david looks hot in pink...and hansome, macho, cute etc..(but i 'm not expect him to wear entire pink!!!!!
heheheh...My frenz all say David is gay,So WANNA KILL THEM...i don't know why until now they still believe in pink is gurl, blue is boy...i wonder who the one who start all these, pink gurl, boy blue, terrifying...aiyoyo, just 'ke lien ' the guys who dont wear or use pinky stuff just not to labelled as 'gay'.
anyway for me, those guy who wear pink (suitable one lar~~) are very daring and of course, they are polite onezz....
Summore, trendz now are wide and every single color used to match with them- selfs...
guyzz....please dont be ashamed to wear pink, they may just suits you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
L!ke is simpl3, L#v3 !s hard. That's why w3 can lik3 z!ll!ons of p3opl3, but w3 0nly can l#ve 0n3, not z!ll!ons..