Happy New Year to all DT forums here, hope all in great health and luck in 2005, be happy and lucky! Remember to smile alwiz coz smile everyday make the fade fly away!! one more, mayb nex year i seldom on9 liao coz of PMR studies, an important exam for all form 3 in M'sia lor, in order to sort into science stream or art stream in form 4-5. So i will be missing u all and David Tao ah.... !!
L!ke is simpl3, L#v3 !s hard. That's why w3 can lik3 z!ll!ons of p3opl3, but w3 0nly can l#ve 0n3, not z!ll!ons..
hey, its ok that you cant come online as much cos of ur studies, just come once in a while to say hi or check up on david. studies are still more impt yea??!! must do well!! i'm sure david wants his student fans to concentrate on studies first then him. happy 2005 too!!