Before I post my journal about what’s been going on lately over the past few weeks, I’d first like to address a couple of things that have been printed in the papers this past week.
First, last week there were a few articles in the newspapers about what I had said about the selection criteria for the panel of judges for the Golden Melody Awards. The MAIN thing I would like to make a correction on is that I DID NOT say that DJ’s (disc jockeys) are NOT qualified but, instead, that the majority of any panel of judges should NOT be comprised of DJ’s. However, somebody in the press chose to ignore my entire statement and, instead, chose to just quote the phrase that would be the most 聳動 and use that as the headline.
This comment was NOT targeted at any particular DJ or group of DJ’s. My point is that the panel of judges for any legitimate and authoritative music awards event should be on the majority comprised of active musicians, producers, and composers in the selected fields. Of course, DJ’s should be included on the panel of judges; however, they should only be on the minority as they are not the actual people directly involved in the music making process. They are also not professionals in the field they are supposed to judge upon. Again, I mean NO disrespect to any DJ’s or people working in radio as I have many friends in that field. In fact, I have great respect for many DJ’s who do a lot of research and homework to bring to the general public the newest and best music and related news.
Again, I am NO official authority on music but am simply expressing my own personal opinion and nobody else’s. At the same time, I do not wish for anybody to misunderstand, misinterpret or MISQUOTE what I have said or not said. I simply do not want there to be any misunderstandings on this issue.
The other more serious issue that has come up the last two days is something that was MISQUOTED by a news reporter regarding what I had said about not wanting to drive in Taipei. Allow me to clarify things… I NEVER said that Taipei is dirty and I don’t want to drive my cars here because it would dirty my cars.
I DID say, however, that because many of my cars are sports cars, in my opinion, I would prefer not to drive in Taipei because:
The roads are often congested due to traffic and you cannot really explore the speed and power of a sports cars The roads and streets are narrow and it’s often very easy to get your cars damaged or scratched The roads have many bumps and potholes which are very damaging to a sports cars suspension system and chassis Parking is often difficult and space is limited which discourages me from wanting to drive in Taipei
I have lived in Taipei for over ten years now and my entire family has driven in this city before. 我是台北人我也和大家一樣希望我們的城市的交通可以更好。
I truly hope THE MEDIA AND JOURNALISTS CAN PLEASE quote what people say in the future more accurately and be less sensational in the way they write or report the headlines and content. What ever happened to the truth?
Perhaps it's our responsibility and common sense, as readers and the general public, to NOT ALWAYS BELIEVE every word that is written in the papers or said on TV. 黑字寫在白紙上不一定就是真的。Think for yourself…instead