I'm curious about this new malaysian new singer , Danny 温力铭 after reading from davidcn that he is a super fan of david! He write his own songs too, he write songs for other singers like z chen.
Danny Wen? I'm only familiar with one of his song.. 'Jian Ren' which was played a lot on radio here.. it was sung in canto.. Didn't know he writes for z-chen!
haha~i'm malaysian. He's cute alright, and his songs are not bad, like Jian Ren (sumthing like mean person) and his cantonese are so well, i thought it was sung by HK! Yeah! Malaysian are great too! And now he released the second album (long...time ago). So Crazy...but not noeing he like David Tao too. haha~ i duno how to read Chinese..but wat i noe he is simply got tat potential in music industry, hope he achieve great (p/s: his songs made him win alot of Malaysian Award)
L!ke is simpl3, L#v3 !s hard. That's why w3 can lik3 z!ll!ons of p3opl3, but w3 0nly can l#ve 0n3, not z!ll!ons..