Hi Zhaodi... I can't find the MVs (the latest ones...) that you said you uploaded..? Am especially looking forward to You love me or him? MV la... how and where can I get them? others like Catherine, Susan Says etc are welcoemd too! I have some older MVs if anyone wants to exchange! thanks a lot!!
But you should be able to access DT Media Jinx, anyway I will pm u for access to Yahoo briefcase so u can dl the Who do you love & Susan Said mvs. For Love Can, can watch online here
Can upload uncompleted version of Art of War mv if u guys wanna have a look, but its not vry inspiring but David does look good falling hasn't seen Catherine yet tho.
Hey Zhaodi! can see deee!!! weeeee... only can't view the Love Can mv online.. sumthin super cacat with my win media player.. shucks!! but thank u thank u thank u!! *hugs* that goes to all of you who posted ALL the mv links etc etc.. + the pinyins.. eng translations anytime soon? all these really help me understand the songs more! (since I am chinese-three-quarter-illiterate!) Thankies again!